Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How to add Facebook comment box to blogger blogspot blog

Adding Facebook comment form on blogger blog is a nice way to drive traffic from the social networking website.just imagine a friend that has up to 1000 pals on fb and he commented on your blog post.there is a possibility that 40 % of his friends would saw the post on his wall and eventually click it to read and when that happens, they may also like to comment too hence generating more traffic to your website because their friends may saw it on their wall and also click on it, cool hun.guess you now have a clue on why you should add today i am going to share with you on how to add Facebook comment to blogspot blog.

add new facebook comment to blogspot website

the process is not different as usual, but there is little changes on setting up fb comments for blogger blog as in just follow the steps below to enable it for your website.
you may like to read how to get your facebook user id

how to add facebook comment box to blogger blog

==> visit

==> click on create new app.

==> a pop up page will open, insert your app name e.g gurubest.then click continue button.

==> after clicking on continue button, a popup page will open, asking you to verify a captcha code, do that.

==> at this stage you have successfully created a new app.copy and paste the app id and key you will see the at the top of the page to note pad.the next stage is to configure it.

==> under the settings in the app page, you may choose to add image icon to your app, to do this, point your mouse to the first icon and click edit to add a 75x75 pixels image, then click on the second icon below the first one to add a 16x16 pixels image.doing this will make yours stand out from others.

==> now still on the settings page under basic info, scroll down to where you will see app domain.insert your subdomain name e.g for blogger insert, while for custom domain insert i.e without the www.

==> scroll down to where you will see Website with Facebook Login, click on it and insert your domain name into the box like this, for blogspot, insert, while for custom domain, insert i.e without www.also take note of the slash / after the .com

at this point you are through with the configuration of your app, now is the time to add it to your blog.

==> go to your blogger dashboard and click on design=>html.then click on the expanded widget.using CTR F, search for <b:skin><![CDATA[/ and insert this code above it
<meta content='1234567' property='fb:admins'/>
<meta content='345666667777' property='fb:app_id'/>

replace the first id 1234567 with your app id and replace the second id 345666667777 with your fb user id.doing this will enable to moderate the comments.

==> using CTR F, search for <body> and insert this code below it
<div id="fb-root"></div><script src=";xfbml=1"></script>.

replace the appid(1234567) with your own.

==> search for <data:post.body/> and insert this code below it
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<fb:comments expr:href='data:post.url' numposts='5' width='500'/>


you can choose to set the numposts 5 to any amount and also the width of 500 to any size depending on your template.that's all.

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