Wednesday, May 16, 2012

post ume form : alternative solution to solve distance problem

distance problem in buying 2012/2013 post ume form in various universities in Nigeria has been one of the most die hard problem for those who have sat for jamb utme and eventually pass the exams.some one recently asked me if he can buy OAU 2012/2013 post ume form through some one from the school or close to the university and i said yes.but what if you don't know some one schooling there.the only option would be to go to the university and purchase your registration form which is not that easy especially when the distance is far from your state of a visitor to that state without knowing where or who you are going to meet, you may find it difficult to get through with i have thought of some thing that will serve as alternative solution to solve the distance problem which may work out for you in buying your OAU 2012/2013 post ume form.

oau 2012 post ume application

please note that this may not work for every one especially if you meet the wrong person, but you may try it and see if it will work for you.
you may like to read oau 2012 2013 post ume application form application and basic requirements

actually i just thought of it, so this is how it goes.

i want to believe that almost every university and polytechnic in Nigeria has a Facebook fan page. you can take this as an opportunity to look for some one and make friend with them.go to the fan page and i believe you will see some of their students making comments.check their profile to confirm if they are from the school and make friends with them.

you can then tell any one of them to buy the form for you by providing the necessary funds to accomplish the process of buying and sending it to you via any means you prefer.

you can also use 2go chat as a means to get some one from the university through 2go chat rooms. most universities has their own room on 2go. use it to look for some one you can give some trust to buy the post ume form for you.

this tips can also be used by every other students who registered other universities and polytechnics as choices of school.

like i have said earlier on, it is just my thought which i feel may be of help to those having problem in buying the form due to long distance.that's all. visit to view the latest post update you are not seeing right now.
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