Wednesday, April 18, 2012

list of high rate online scam activities you should avoid (part1)

a lot of us want to explore and take risky ventures online which may lead to scam at the don't just wake up one day and say you want to risk your hard earn money online,investing on a scam website activities.the rush to make money online has got some people into frustration and regret just because they engage them self in an high rate online scam activities. so today i am going to share with you list of high online scam activities you should avoid.

scam activities you should avoid

you always have the choice to choose what is right or wrong,so do not say had i know.
online scam activities you should avoid
you may read my previous post on what is scam website and how to know scam site
1: high yield investment plan(HYIP): this is one of the cheapest means to make money and at the same time the most quickest way to loose your hard earn money to scammers online.i don't see HYIP investment as an opportunity to make money online.95%of this scheme turns out to be a scam activities and such newbies should flee away from it.
2: data entry: this is another high rate scam activities one should avoid.some people are just being greedy.some one will tell you that you would earn up to $500 - $1000 a week for just filling forms online which 95% may turn out to be scam.especially those that are not from either united state and united kingdom falls for this cheap scam online as they are not eligible to take part in please flee away from data entry jobs online.
3: email reading: this scam activities is very common and the lazy and greedy internet users do fall for on earth would a website pay you up to $100-$200 just to read one email.its never a genuine venture.i remember back then,rolexmail use to be the talk on the website will ever pay you such for just spending up to 5 minute reading visual mails that will even lead you to more of such scheme that may even claim to pay more than the others.please flee away from this scam activities as it does not pay.
from here i will say watch out for part 2.that's all.ENJOY.visit to view the latest post update you are not seeing right now.

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